Added a month ago by Anon

According to a post on Mavic Pilots, you are permitted to fly your drone here. The airspace class is G.
Mod is unable to confirm exact flyable area. Be sure to check with local laws and an airspace app such as Aloft or Airspace Link prior to flying. If you have more information regarding this location, please leave a comment below!
The Rockville Bridge is a prominent railroad bridge located across the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It's known for being the longest stone masonry arch bridge in the world, with 48 arches spanning approximately 3,820 feet. Built between 1900 and 1902 by the Pennsylvania Railroad, the bridge offers a picturesque view of historical architecture and the natural beauty of the surrounding river and landscape.
Is It Worth Flying a Drone There?
From a visual perspective, Rockville Bridge and its scenic surroundings are certainly worth capturing by drone. Aerial footage of the bridge can provide stunning views of its impressive masonry, the flowing Susquehanna River, and the lush environment, especially during sunrise or sunset.
Legality of Flying a Drone
To determine if you can legally fly a drone at Rockville Bridge, you'll need to consider a few factors:
1. Airspace: The bridge’s location is near Harrisburg, which has nearby airports, potentially making it restricted airspace.
2. LANCE Authorization: If the airspace is controlled (Class B, C, D, or surface Class E), you'll need Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) authorization. You can check this on FAA's B4UFLY app or other airspace maps provided by the FAA.
3. Local Regulations: Check for any state or municipal regulations that may further restrict drone operations in the area.
4. Privacy and Safety Concerns: Ensure you respect privacy and maintain safe distances from people, properties, and railroad operations.
Steps to Determine and Obtain Permission
1. Check Airspace: Use FAA tools like the B4UFLY app to determine if the location lies in controlled airspace.
2. Request LAANC Authorization: If the airspace is controlled, use FAA LAANC-enabled applications to request and receive authorization in near real-time.
3. Local Regulations: Research any local or state regulations regarding drone flights in the Harrisburg area.
4. No-Fly Zones: Be mindful that you avoid any no-fly zones, especially areas around critical infrastructure or sensitive sites.
Additional Considerations
- Drone Registration: Ensure your drone is registered with the FAA if it weighs over 0.55 pounds.
- Pilot Certification: For commercial operations, a Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate is required.
- Weather Conditions: Always check local weather conditions, as winds near the river can be unpredictable.
- Insurance: Consider having insurance to cover any potential damage or liabilities.
By following these guidelines and ensuring compliance with all necessary regulations, you can enjoy a successful and legally compliant drone flight at Rockville Bridge.
800 S Main St, Marysville, PA 17110, USA
Trail outline N/A
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